Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Just Trying out Posting From MicrosoftWord

Thought I would see how easy it was to post things to my blog from Microsoft word.

Pretty Cool eh?

An Introduction on Preceding Posts

This, as the title of the blog suggests, is a window into my own mind. The writings of this blog are not meant to garnish reputation, sell my ideals, or promote myself, they are merely represented so that I can view myself as an outsider looking in, adding real world depth and perspective to my ideas rendering them not just theories but as applicable ways of living. I write as a writer and then review and debate my ideas as a critic in an effort to open my mind and clear my eyes in order to find the truth.

I will post research onto others ideas, my own ideas, and my experiences into trying to adapt the truth that I find into my life.

I hope that whoever is reading this may try to generate their own ideas from my ideas in an effort to find truth themselves. This world cannot survive if people are only interested in being right instead of finding what is right because when these people try to live with one another it fails. We can never find truth if we are not willing to be wrong.